Daniel A. Martell, Ph.D., A.B.P.P.

 Forensic Psychology & Neuropsychology

Forensic Neuroscience Consultants, Inc.


A Professional Psychological Corporation



       1995-present   Assistant Clinical Professor,

             Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences,

                               Semel Neuropsychiatric Institute

                               David Geffen School of Medicine at U.C.L.A.

                               Los Angeles, CA


                                Research, teaching, and supervision in the Forensic

                                 Psychiatry Fellowship program.


       1999-2002      Adjunct Faculty,

                                Department of Extended Studies and Public Service

                                University of California, San Diego, and

                                University of California, Irvine


                                       Taught Legal and Ethical Issues in Clinical Psychology


       1992-1996      Clinical Assistant Professor,

                      Department of Psychiatry

                      New York University School of Medicine, New York, N.Y.


                             Coordinator of Forensic Training, NYU/Bellevue Hospital

                             Clinical Psychology Internship and Post-Doctoral

                             Fellowship Programs.  Supervision of forensic psychiatry

                             fellows, clinical psychology interns, and post-doctoral

                             fellows.  Taught seminars in Forensic Psychology and the

                             Law, and Research in Forensic Psychiatry


1987-1991     Clinical Instructor of Psychiatry,               

                      New York University School of Medicine, New York, N.Y.


1980-1986     Graduate Teaching Assistant,

                       Department of Psychology,

                      The University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA


                             Taught Abnormal Psychology; Childhood

                               Psychopathology; Medical Psychology; Social Psychology;

                               Statistics; Law, Psychology, Families and Children;

                               Cognitive Psychology; Memory and Learning.


1979-1980      Teaching Assistant,

                      Washington and Jefferson College

                      Washington, PA


                             Taught four sections of Introductory Psychology.